Board of Education

The Governing Board members of the Mesa Vista Consolidated School District work hard to help maintain high standards in education. They are dedicated to ensuring all students in the district receive a quality education and achieve their academic goals.

III. A. Executive Session - The Board may elect to go into executive session for reasons permitted in the New Mexico Open Meetings Act.a. Limited Personnel Matters as permitted under Section 10-15-1(H)(2), specifically to discuss adjustment to Superintendent transition, matters related to hiring an interim or permanent superintendent; and b. Attorney Client Privilege pertaining to threatened litigation as permitted under section 10-15-1(H)(7), specifically to discuss an EEOC claim received by the District.B. Report on Executive Session – “The matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited to those stated in the motion to close the meeting. This statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting as required by Section 10-15-1 (J) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act”

Meet the Board of Education

Moises Pena

Board Member


Moises Peña graduated from Mesa Vista High School in 1997. He is a proud member of the 1997 AA State Basketball Championship team. After graduation, he attended Northern New Mexico College where he concentrated on basic studies.

In January of 1999, Mr. Peña found his calling in public service. He began his career as a public servant working at the Española City Jail. When he reached 21 years of age, he began his career as a police officer. Mr. Peña served as a patrol officer for approximately four years until he reached the rank of detective with the Española Police Department, where he served for approximately 10 years. Mr. Peña has since been employed as a supervisor at the Rio Arriba County Detention Center. He is currently a proud Deputy of the Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Peña was elected in February of 2017 to the Mesa Vista Consolidated School Board of Education where he currently serves as School Board Secretary.

Moises has a vision of the Mesa Vista Consolidated Schools soon becoming the mecca of public education. His vision is that all students are either prepared to excel in advanced learning institutions, technical schools or striving to become productive members of society in today’s workforce.

Anthony X. Vigil



Anthony Vigil is a resident of El Rito, New Mexico. He graduated from Mesa Vista High School in 2019 and is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the University of New Mexico. Additionally, Anthony is an intern with the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Engineering Services Division.

Before joining LANL, he served as an intern Medical Assistant at Las Clinicas del Norte, a non-profit health center which serves the local community. In high school, he led several student organizations and was a runner for the 2015 and 2016 cross country state championship teams. In 2019, he was part of the state championship medley relay team for track and field.

He was elected to the Mesa Vista Consolidated Schools’ Board of Education on November 5, 2019. Anthony ran for the school board to give the students, who are his contemporaries, a voice. He knows that since students are directly impacted by district shortfalls, they may be able to offer valuable outside-the-box solutions. Anthony recognizes that each student has a unique personality as well as a unique set of strengths and goals which compelled him to help students graduate with the tools they need to pursue higher education or to undertake technical and trade skills.

Anthony takes heart from the words of Mark Twain: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Marvyn Jaramillo


Email Marvyn Jaramillo
Contact Phone: (505) 583-0070

With a wealth of experience, I have served as a member of the Mesa Vista Board of Education, currently in my 4th term. First elected in 2009, I have held various leadership positions, including President, Vice-President, Secretary, and local board member, demonstrating my ability to lead effectively and make a positive impact.

      At the regional level, I have served as President of NMSBA’s Region II and member of the Board of Directors for several years. At the state level, I was elected as the Association’s Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-President, President-Elect, President, and Past-President. I also served and chaired NMSBA’s Executive, Resolutions, and Nominating Committees and was on the Board of directors for NMAA. I am currently the Vice-President of the NMSBA.

     At the national level, I served several times as a delegate to the National Delegate Assembly and Western Region Conference. I was elected to the Board of Directors (Central Region) for NSBA. I currently serve on the NSBA Beliefs and Resolutions Committee and NSBA awards Committee.

      I have received Outstanding Leadership, Leadership Development, and Exemplary Training Awards. In 2020, I received the Outstanding Board Member of the Year Award. In 2021, I received Master Board Member Certification and was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the 2022 NMSBA Annual Convention. In addition, my local Board (Mesa Vista) received Board of the Year in 2022.

      In July 2021, I retired from the New Mexico National Guard as Sergeant First Class (E-7) after serving 26 years. In June 2022, I retired from Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office in the rank of Sergeant after serving 23 years in law enforcement.

     I have been and continue to be a passionate advocate for students, striving to move our school district forward.

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” -Unknown

Marvyn Jaramillo


Daniella Gallegos


Daniella Gallegos, is a resident of El Rito, New Mexico.  She is the daughter of Porfiria Jaramillo and the late, Gus Jaramillo. She is married to Richard Gallegos, has two children, Jason and Brittany Gallegos, and 4 grandchildren, Ajaya, Jerikah and Jayden Gallegos and Kain Mercure.  Daniella graduated from Mesa Vista High School in 1989.  After high school, she attended Northern New Mexico Community College and received her Associates of Science as an Administrative Assistant. Daniella retired from Los Alamos County in 2017, working in various departments to include, Parks and Recreation, Finance, Utilities and Municipal Court and gained great knowledge on how county government operates.  Daniella now works as a Document Control Specialist for the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Radiation Protection program.

Daniella was elected to the Mesa Vista Consolidated School District Board of Education in November of 2023.

Daniella recognizes the diverse learning styles of children and is committed to ensuring each student receives the appropriate tools and support for success. She wants to contribute to the school district’s growth and make it a place where students feel motivated to learn and grow.  Daniella believes that her ethical and compassionate characteristics will positively serve the students and communities of the Mesa Vista School District.  


Edwin J. Gurule

Board Member


Mr. Edwin J Gurule was born and raised in Ojo Caliente and Tres Pierdas, New Mexico. Mr. Gurule graduated from Mesa High School in 1975. Mr. Gurule has a daughter who currently attends Mesa Vista High School. He has been a rancher his entire life and was a dedicated and well liked bus driver for over 40 years. Mr. Gurule's mission is still transparency, have a safe learning environment for kids and employees and also to listen to the students, parents, and employee's concerns.